Donations Gratefully Accepted.
Or mail your check to... Friends of Magee Marsh, PO Box 92, Port Clinton, OH 43452
About the Friends of Magee Marsh
The Friends of Magee Marsh is small non-profit organization that was established in 1998. The group was formed as a way to support Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife through sponsoring programs, events, and projects outside the scope of their normal activities. We also provide travel grants to local area schools to bring students on day trips to the marsh to further their studies in the natural sciences. These trips are co-ordinated with the area communications specialist/naturalist who provides an age-appropriate program.

Friends of Magee Marsh is entirely run by volunteers from the presidential chair to our hard working gift shop, beach clean-up, Purple Martin monitoring staff and all those in between.
Our History
In 1998 Mary Warren and Kelly Schott conceived the idea of a friends group for Magee Marsh and floated the idea to a group of people interested in protecting the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area and the Sportsmen’s Migratory Bird Center. From the foregoing, the Friends of Magee Marsh was founded.
To celebrate it was decided we needed a pin or patch. Since then we have produced pins and patches every year. As the Boardwalk and Bird watching has gained in popularity so have our pins and patches.